Lobos is a Clojure library to create and alter tables which also supports migrations similar to what Rails can do. I like where Lobos is going but it’s a work in progress, so the information here might be out of date soon, beware!

Let’s imagine a project called px (for Project X of course) with the usual Leiningen structure. In the src directory you you need to create a lobos directory and inside there let’s get started with config.clj which contains the credentials and other database information:

(ns lobos.config)

(def db
  {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
   :subprotocol "postgresql"
   :subname "//localhost:5432/px"})

then we create a simple migration in lobos/migrations.clj that creates the users table:

(ns lobos.migrations
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [alter defonce drop bigint boolean char double float time])
  (:use (lobos [migration :only [defmigration]] core schema) lobos.config))

(defmigration create-users
  (up [] (create (table :users
                   (integer :id :primary-key)
                   (varchar :email 256 :unique))))
  (down [] (drop (table :users))))

You run a REPL, load the migrations and run them (using the joyful Clojure example code convention):

(require 'lobos.migrations)
;=> nil
;=> java.lang.Exception: No such global connection currently open: :default-connection, only got [] (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

and you get an error because you didn’t open the connection yet, so, let’s do that:

(require 'lobos.connectivity)
;=> nil
(lobos.connectivity/open-global lobos.config/db)
;=> {:default-connection {:connection #<Jdbc4Connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2ab600af>, :db-spec {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver", :subprotocol "postgresql", :subname "//localhost:5432/px"}}}

and now it works:

; create-users
;=> nil

and you can also rollback:

; create-users
;=> nil

You might be tempted to open the global connection in your config.clj and that might be fine for some, but I found it problematic that the second time I load the file, I get an error: “java.lang.Exception: A global connection by that name already exists (:default-connection) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)”.

My solution was to write a function called open-global-when-necessary that will open a global connection only when there’s none or when the database specification changed, and will close the previous connection in that case, leaving a config.clj that looks like:

(ns lobos.config
  (:require lobos.connectivity))

(defn open-global-when-necessary
  "Open a global connection only when necessary, that is, when no previous
  connection exist or when db-spec is different to the current global
  ;; If the connection credentials has changed, close the connection.
  (when (and (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)
             (not= (:db-spec (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)) db-spec))
  ;; Open a new connection or return the existing one.
  (if (nil? (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection))
    ((lobos.connectivity/open-global db-spec) :default-connection)
    (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)))

(def db
  {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
   :subprotocol "postgresql"
   :subname "//localhost:5432/px"})

(open-global-when-necessary db)

That works fine locally, so let’s move to Heroku. To get started with Clojure on Heroku I recommend you read:

  1. Getting Started With Clojure on Heroku/Cedar
  2. Building a Database-Backed Clojure Web Application

I took the code used to extract the database specification from DATABASE_URL but I modified it so I don’t depend on that environment variable existing on my local computer and I ended up with the following config.clj:

(ns lobos.config
  (:require [clojure.string :as str] lobos.connectivity)
  (:import (java.net URI)))

(defn heroku-db
  "Generate the db map according to Heroku environment when available."
  (when (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL")
    (let [url (URI. (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL"))
          host (.getHost url)
          port (if (pos? (.getPort url)) (.getPort url) 5432)
          path (.getPath url)]
       {:subname (str "//" host ":" port path)}
       (when-let [user-info (.getUserInfo url)]
         {:user (first (str/split user-info #":"))
          :password (second (str/split user-info #":"))})))))

(defn open-global-when-necessary
  "Open a global connection only when necessary, that is, when no previous
  connection exist or when db-spec is different to the current global
  ;; If the connection credentials has changed, close the connection.
  (when (and (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)
             (not= (:db-spec (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)) db-spec))
  ;; Open a new connection or return the existing one.
  (if (nil? (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection))
    ((lobos.connectivity/open-global db-spec) :default-connection)
    (@lobos.connectivity/global-connections :default-connection)))

(def db
  (merge {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
          :subprotocol "postgresql"
          :subname "//localhost:5432/px"}

(open-global-when-necessary db)

After you push to Heroku, you can run heroku run lein repl, load lobos.config and run the migrations just as if they were local.

Thanks to Daniel Magliola and Nicolas Buduroi for reading drafts of this.

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