Month: January 2022

  • I have a problem: 3 or 5 stars?

    I have a problem: 3 or 5 stars?

    I’m an avid reader and I review every single book I read. I force myself to write at least two paragraphs. This is useful to me because sometimes I forget I have read something; seeing and reading back my own reviews answers the ‘did I already read that’ question but also refreshes my memory on…

  • Self-driving cars will kill the cities, and it’s a good thing

    Self-driving cars will kill the cities, and it’s a good thing

    I believe self-driving cars will change humanity.  I don’t know what car ownership will look like; some say individual ownership will be unnecessary, when you can just summon a shared car whenever you need it, like an Uber. For me personally I will always prefer my own vehicle as my car is a second home.…