Tag: data

  • Making your app work with no data

    Most applications, web, desktop or mobile, handle some kind of data. When we are developing them we generally generate some sample data to play with and we forget to ever run the application without it. The problem is that the first impression people will get of our app is without data. And first impressions are…

  • Generating sample data

    As I’ve said in previous posts, I like being able to generate sample data for the projects I’m working on very quickly. It allows new developers to get up to speed fast, and new developers to move faster. When I don’t have a sample data generation method, I’m always scare to try whether, for example,…

  • Deleting all records in a Rails project

    During the initial phase of development of a Rails application I don’t use migrations as migrations but as table definitions. Until I deploy I feel free to modify the migration files as much as I want and I have one per table. The downside of that is that the only way to apply the changes…