Tag: Kubuntu

  • Installing Rails 2 on Ubuntu

    Ubuntu, like many other free operating systems, have a beautiful package management system that will track what depends on what, what is installed, what is not, what is not longer needed, which versions of each. If you tamper with it, you are asking for trouble. If you do a manual upgrade, from sources, eventually a…

  • Encrypted home in Ubuntu 8.10

    This article is like a third edition to “Encrypted home in Ubuntu (or Kubuntu… or Debian…)”, although I keep changing the name. It’s the 8.10 edition. Many things changed and I updated the article for those, and the rest should work as well. Motivation Every day we put more and more personal information on our…

  • Encrypted home in Ubuntu (or Kubuntu… or Xubuntu…)

    Encrypted home in Ubuntu (or Kubuntu… or Xubuntu…)

    This article is like a second edition to Encrypted home in Ubuntu (or Kubuntu… or Debian…). Important changes include that I have tested it for Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and it works, but the devices are sd instead of hd due to all hard disk being viewed as SCSI (I am not sure why). Also…

  • Encrypted home in Ubuntu (or Kubuntu… or Debian…)

    The explanations you’ll find here have been tested with Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) and Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), they should work without any problem in other members of the Ubuntu family and with minimal changes in other Debian-based distributions like Debian itself or Mepis. In other distributions it might require even more changes.

  • Unstable packages on Ubuntu

    I’ve recently switched from Gentoo to Ubuntu. The main reasons is that in Ubuntu I have less things to take care about that I don’t really care about (like compiling Linux). In the switch I also lost some interesting features.

  • The lambda revolution, Episode V, the deb strikes back

    There’s an excellent article by Don “dons” Stewart called The lambda revolution which explains how to build a Haskell library in way that it is easy to download, compile, install, test, distribute, etc. I believe all those qualities are essential for successfully software. The next logicall step is to make OS-specific packages of it and…

  • Cleaning up a Debian GNU/Linux (or Ubuntu), reprise

    My little article Cleaning up a Debian GNU/Linux was published at Debian Administration where lot’s of people replied with other ways to achieve the same goals. It was very nice to see all the different approaches with all the different pros and cons. In the end I ended up changing my own approach for one…

  • Cleaning up a Debian GNU/Linux

    You arrive at a Linux server which has some history of neglect. Let’s suppose someone else neglected it but if your new-year resolution is to stop neglecting your beloved server, this applies as well. One form of neglect is to install, install, install and never un-install any package. The common utility to perform installation and…