Tag: Windows

  • Generating an all-files file in Windows, to verify backups

    Generating an all-files file in Windows, to verify backups

    When I was 16 years old or so, one day, my computer didn’t boot. I got a blue screen with some white text-mode error. Something was broken with the file system. This was after being utterly disappointed by Windows 95 and before I became a Linux person, so I was running Windows NT 4.0. I…

  • Book Review: WiX 3.6: A Developer’s Guide to Windows Installer XML by Nick Ramirez

    Book Review: WiX 3.6: A Developer’s Guide to Windows Installer XML by Nick Ramirez

    This book was instrumental in me managing to package Dashman. It had pretty much everything I needed and most if not everything I learned from the book worked with the latest WiX 3.X. One issue that I have with most WiX information out there is that it assumes you are working in a .Net language…

  • Restoring window sizes in JavaFX

    Restoring window sizes in JavaFX

    Update 2018-05-23: Updated the code to my current version, which fixes a few bugs. When doing usability testing of an alpha version of Dashman, one thing that I was strongly asked was to have the windows remember their sizes when you re-open the application. The need was clear as it was annoying to have the…

  • If I was running GitHub

    If I was in charge of GitHub, I would build a team of .NET Programmers and have them built an awesome UI for Git on Windows, bundle it with Git itself as well as other usually needed programs like an SSH client and release it for free. Well, as open source of course. The reason…

  • What Joel Spolsky doesn't understand about Linux

    What Joel Spolsky doesn't understand about Linux

    Once again I hear Joel Spolsky saying the same thing about Linux that I consider wrong. I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking that and I’m sure I’m not the only one writing about it, but I’m going to do it anyway. Joel’s position is that administrating Linux must be harder because something like…

  • NetBeans could make the Ruby on Rails experience great

    NetBeans could make the Ruby on Rails experience great for the vast majority of developers who are using Windows, where installing Ruby, Rails, PHP, MySQL, Python, etc is always a pain and the end result is ugly. But it falls short in some important ways which turned my experience with it into a nightmare. The…