Month: August 2007

  • Solving Lisp’s problem: a simplistic solution with make

    I recently stated what I believe is the biggest problem with Lisp, you can’t make programs with it. In my quest, my first solution is a very simplistic Makefile that does the job using cl-launch, a very interesting program that can turn a Common Lisp program into a Bash script. Other solutions are likely to…

  • The problem with Lisp

    The problem with Lisp

    I’m not really going to talk about the problem with Lisp, but only a problem. And I’m not really going to talk about Lisp, but Common Lisp. So this post should be called “A problem with Common Lisp”, but the current title is more catchy, isn’t it? You are still with me? nice. Because I…

  • Lisp macros feel like cheating

    Common Lisp macros feel like cheating. I’ve reached chapter 9 of Practical Common Lisp, where the goal is to build a unit test framework, and you can see right away how the patterns are easily abstracted out with macros. It’s so easy it feels like cheating. Getting a text representation of the test code to…

  • A programmer’s favourite language

    I’ve discovered something recently. Most programmers have a favourite programming language. No, that’s not it, there’s more to my discovery. Whenever those programmers have an idea they open a text editor and start coding and/or they start playing with a REPL, if they are lucky to like a programming language that provides one. You watch…