Tag: music

  • My hypothesis of music appreciation

    I believe most music we like we like by association. What I mean by that is that we don’t like the music because of the music itself but because of what we associate to it. We probably do that with most stuff but if you think about it, shouldn’t music taste vary much more from…

  • An intelligent music player

    I still haven’t found a good music player, for my computer that is. The one that got the closest to it was Amarok, but still it was very far away. My problem is that I don’t know what to listen to, really! I’m only just finding out what music to use  for coding. There’s one thing…

  • The tracker for movies

    For showing what music I like, keeping track of what music I listen to, discovering new music and finding people with the same tastes I use last.fm. For doing that but with books I use aNobii. Is there anything like that for movies? If not, there’s a market.

  • Music for coding

    Music for coding

    I’ve been looking for ages for the perfect music for coding. I’ve asked around and tried new age, Mozart, Bach, and other academic music. I’ve tried instrumental soothing music and instrumental electronic music. Nothing worked until I started to expand my original coding music: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Yes, I used to code…

  • Score Reading Trainer 0.1.4 released

    I have just made a new release of Score Reading Trainer, 0.1.4. This release has a very important bug fix, thanks to Julian Kniephoff. The fix allows to use notes below the first line of the staff without getting the extra lines mixed and eventually crashing. It was also upgraded to compile correctly and easily…